
NameSilo: How to Sign Up, How to Set Up, and Most Importantly, Why I Have Chosen NameSilo 

If you want to set up your own blog site, the first step is to get a custom domain.   I used NameSilo.com to get my custom domain and keep using it for renewing my domain.  I would like to explain why I chose NameSilo.com as a registrar for my domain, how to sign up and how to set up with your rental server.

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1. Reason for Choosing NameSilo

Simply put, they do not have any hidden fees, and they are offering cheapest service as far as I know.  Their price is $ 8.99 per year (in case of “.com”).   WHOIS Privacy registration is included in this price.

The following chart is an excerpt from the NameSilo’s site. (https://www.namesilo.com/pricing.php as of June 10, 2019).  As you can see NameSilo does not charge separate fees for WHOIS registration (shown as “FREE” in the PRIVACY column in the table below), while some of other registrars charge you somewhere between $2.00 to $15.0.  Although there are other registrants who do not charge for WHOIS registration, NameSilo’s price is way cheaper.

2. How to Purchase Custom Domain from Namesilo

Now, let me explain how to obtain custom domain name through NameSilo.

2.1 Check if the Custom Domain Name You Want to Get is Still Available

First thing you need to do is to confirm whether the domain name you would like to obtain is still available.  This can be done by simply entering the custom domain name in the Domain SEARCH box which is located at the top of NameSilo.com.  You do not need to input “www” or “.com” at this time.

2.2 Select the Domain You Want to Get

Now, you should select the domain you want to get.  Scroll down the screen and click “Add” button located next to the domain name you want to get. If the domain name has already been acquired by someone else, the button is labeled as “Try to Buy”.

When you click the “Add” button next to the domain name you plan to purchase, the display of the button name will change to “Checkout”. Once it happens, click the “Checkout” button.

The above explanation is applicable when you use the List View which is a default view. If you click the icon labeled “Grid,” you will see the Grid View as shown below. In this view, you can add the domain to the cart by adding checkmark under the domain name such as .com, .org, .net etc.  Then, click “Register Checked Domains” to check out.

2.3 Selecting Package

Once you click the checkout bottom, you will see the package selection page. If you only want to purchase domain name, you can skip this page by clinking “skip” or “Next” button because “Https (SSL)” is mostly prepared on the rental server side. Also, since Premium DNS can be added later as needed, it is not necessary for the time being.

By the way, when I purchased a domain name from Namesilo, this screen did not show up, and I was immediately moved to the advanced settings screen shown in 2.4 below. So, I think “Premium Site Builder”, “Ecommerce Plan” etc. are relatively new services.

2.4 Advanced Settings (Privacy Setting, Coupon Code Entry)

Once you click “REGISTER CHECKED DOMAINS”, you will be navigated to the screen below for choosing the details of your order.

(1) You do not need to change “Service Link” and “Name Server” at this point as they can be changed easily after purchasing the domain name.

(2) Regarding “Auto Renewal” section, it us up to you to chose either “Yes” or “No.”

(3) Please make sure to select “WHOIS Privacy” for the the “Privacy Setting”.  You will not be charged for additional fees for choosing this option.

(4) If you have coupon or promotion code, you can enter them to the box under the line which said  “Have a Coupon or Promotion Code?”  If you don’t please use the code “JUNSILO” which will give you a discount of $ 1 as shown above . This code is effective until December 31, 2020.

2.5 Create an Account

Before proceeding to payment page, you are prompted to create your account by choosing your account name and password.

2.6 Select the Payment Option and Enter the Necessary Information

Select the payment option (such as Credit Card, PayPay) and enter the necessary information.  That’s all.  You will receive confirmation email/receipt from NameSilo, shortly.

3. How to Change Name Server (DNS Record) [After Getting Web Hosting Service]

This step cannot be taken until you obtain web hosting service.

I took procedures below after I signed up with my web hosting provider, Hawk Host.

Please refer to the following article if you are interested in Hawk Host.

Hawk Host is offering reasonable and affordable web hosting service. I would like to explain why I chose Hawk Host as my web hosting provider and how to sign up with them.

3.1  Confirm Name Server Information

First, please confirm the nameserver information.

In the case of Hawk Host, the information about nameserver can be found in the email titled “New Account Information” which you should receive once you sign up with them.  The same information can also be found in “Manage Product” page of the hawkhost.com.  First, once you log in, you will enter to the “Support and Client Area”.  There, click “Your Active Products / Services” link which will navigate you to “My Active Products / Services” page.  In that page, if you click “Active” button (located in the “Status” column) you can go to the “Manage Product” page mentioned above.

3.2  How to change name server in NameSilo

Once you get web hosting services, your provider will give you information about Name Server.  This is the information you need to set up DNS Records.

(1) Log in to NameSilo’s member page.

(2) Select “domain manager” from the “Account Option” column which you can find in the right side of the screen.

(3) Add check mark to the custom domain name whose name servers you want to change.  Then, click “Change NameServers” icon on the top.

(4) You will be navigated to Name Server Manager.  Here, you can overwrite the NameServer 1 and NamveServer 2 information using the ones you have received from your web hosting provider.  Once it’s done you are all set.

Please note that after changing the name server information, it might take several hours to 72 hours before such changes to be reflected on the Internet. Therefore, you have to be patient.   In case of me, when I checked back in 10 hours later, I was able to see my custom domain on the internet.

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