

ニューヨーク在住者が仮想通貨の取引をする場合は、ニューヨーク州のDepartment of Financial Services発行のビットライセンス(BitLicense)または仮想通貨ライセンス(Virtual Currency License)を所有している取引所・企業しか利用できません。

そこで、どこの会社、取引所がビットライセンスを取得済みなのかにつき、Department of Financial Servicesのニュースリリースを読みつつ確認してみました。


1. ビットライセンスが必要なビジネスとは

ニューヨーク州のDepartment of Financial Servicesによると、ニューヨーク州でおよびニューヨーク州民に対して以下のビジネスを行うのに必要なライセンスのことをビットライセンス(BitLicense)または仮想通貨ライセンス(Virtual Currency License)と呼ぶようです。

  • Virtual currency transmission
  • Storing, holding, or maintaining custody or control of virtual currency on behalf of others
  • Buying and selling virtual currency as a customer business
  • Performing exchange services as a customer business
  • Controlling, administering, or issuing a virtual currency.

出典:Virtual Currency Businesses

参考:News Release – July 17, 2014: NY DFS Releases Proposed Bitlicense Regulatory Framework For Virtual Currency Firms

2. ビットライセンスを取得した仮想通貨取引所


2.1 itBit Trust Company / Paxos Trust Company LLC

2.2 Gemini Trust Company, LLC

2.3 Coinbase, Inc. 

2.4 bitFlyer USA, Inc.

2.5 Bitstamp USA Inc.

3. ビットライセンスを取得したATM 業者

3.1 Coinsource, Inc.

3.2 Liberty X

3.3 Cottonwood Vending LLC

  • サイト:http://coinbtm.com/index.html
  • [2019年1月31日] プレスリリースが見当たらないので詳細不明ですが、ATM業者のようです。

4. ビットライセンスを取得した決済事業会社

4.1 Square, Inc.

4.2 BitPay, Inc.

4.3 Eris Clearing, LLC

5. ビットライセンスを取得した保管業社(Custody Company)

5.1 Coinbase Custody Trust Company LLC

5.2 Bakkt Trust Company LLC

5.3 Fidelity Digital Asset Services, LLC

5.4 BitGo New York Trust Company LLC

5.5 Standard Custody & Trust Company, LLC

6. ビットライセンスを取得したフィンテック(FinTech) 企業

6 .1 Xapo, Inc.

6.2 NYDIG Execution LLC

6.3 Signature Bank

6.4 Robinhood

6.5 SoFi Digital Assets, LLC

6.6 PayPal

6.7 Bakkt Marketplace, LLC

6.8 BitOoda Digital, LLC

  • サイト:https://www.bitooda.io/
  • [2022年2月9日] プレスリリースは見つからなかったので詳細は不明ですが、Twtterによると2022年2月9日にビットライセンスを取得したようです。

6.9 Provenance Technologies, Inc.

7. ビットライセンスを取得したその他の会社

7.1 Circle Internet Financial 


7.3  Genesis Global Trading 

7.4 Tagomi Trading LLC

7.5 Speed Digital Commodities Market LLC (SCXM) および Zero Hash LLC

7.6 GMO-Z.com Trust Company, Inc.

8. 時系列での整理



  • [1] Paxos (formerly itBit Trust Company, LLC)– “the first virtual currency company to receive a charter from NYDFS” (5/7/2015)
  • [2] Circle Internet Financial — “In September 2015, NYDFS approved the first BitLicense application (Circle Internet Financial).”(9/22/2015)
  • [3] Gemini Trust Company —“Three Virtual Currency Firms Have Now Received Charters or Licenses from NYDFS – Gemini, Circle, itBit”(10/5/2015)
  • [4] XRP II — “To date, DFS … has approved four virtual currency firms for charters or licenses.” (6/13/2016)
  • [5] Coinbase – “DFS has approved five firms for virtual currency charters or licenses…” (1/17/2017)
  • [6] Bitflyer USA — “DFS has approved six firms for virtual currency charters or licenses….” (11/28/2017)
  • [7] Genesis –“With the Genesis approval, DFS has now approved seven firms for virtual currency charters or licenses….” (5/17/2018)
  • [8] Xapo, Inc. –“With the Xapo approval, DFS has now approved eight firms for virtual currency charters or licenses….” (6/14/2018)
  • [9] Square, Inc. — “With the Square approval, DFS has now approved nine firms for virtual currency charters or licenses….” (6/18/2018)
  • [10] BitPay — With the BitPay approval, DFS has now approved ten firms for virtual currency charters or licenses, while denying those applications that did not meet DFS’s standards. DFS has also granted licenses to Square, Inc., Xapo, Inc., Genesis Global Trading Inc., bitFlyer USA, Coinbase Inc., XRP II and Circle Internet Financial, and charters to Gemini Trust Company and Paxos (formerly itBit Trust Company).” (7/16/2018)
  • [11] Coinbase Trust — To date, DFS has approved eleven charters or licenses for companies in the virtual currency marketplace.” (10/23/2018)
  • [12] Coinsource — “To date, DFS has approved twelve charters or licenses for companies in the virtual currency marketplace.” (11/1/2018)
  • 日付的に[13] NY DIG Execution — “To date, DFS has approved fourteen charters or licenses for companies in the virtual currency marketplace.”(11/14/2018
  • 日付的に[14] Signature Bank (12/4/2018)
  • 日付的に[15] [16] Robinhood Crypto LLCおよび LibertyX (1/24/2019
  • 日付的に[17] Cottonwood Vending LLC (1/31/2019付けTwitterより)
  • [18] Togami –“Since taking the lead nationally in regulating the virtual currency market in 2015, DFS has approved the applications of 18 companies.” (3/27/2019
  • [19] Bitstamp USA–“Since taking the lead nationally in regulating the virtual currency market in 2015, DFS has approved the applications of 19 companies.” (4/9/2019
  • 日付的に [20] [21] Speed Digital Commodities Market LLC および Zero Hash LLC (7/15/2019)
  • [22] Bakkt Trust Company — “To date, DFS has approved 22 charters or licenses for companies in the virtual currency marketplace.” (8/16/2019)
  • [23] Fidelity Digital Asset Services, LLC — “to date DFS has approved 23 charters or licenses for companies engaged in virtual currency business activities” (11/19/2019)
  • [24] SoFi Digital Assets, LLC — “Since 2015, DFS has granted 24 virtual currency licenses or trust charters, including the virtual currency license being announced today.” (12/3/2019)
  • [25] Eris Clearing, LLC — “Since 2015, DFS has approved 25 entities to engage in virtual currency business activity in New York State, including today’s announcement.” (5/6/2020)
  • [26] PayPal, Inc. — “Since 2015, DFS has approved 26 entities to engage in virtual currency business activity in New York State, including today’s announce.” (10/21/2020)
  • [27] GMO — “Including the charter granted to GMO, to date DFS has approved 27 charters and licenses for companies engaged in virtual currency business activity” (12/29/2020)
  • [28] BitGo New York Trust Company LLC — “Including the charter granted to BitGo NY, to date DFS has approved 28 charters and licenses for companies engaged in virtual currency business activity.” (3/4/2021)
  • [29] Bakkt Marketplace, LLC — “Since 2015, DFS has granted 29 virtual currency licenses or trust charters, including the virtual currency license being announced today.” (3/11/2021)
  • [30] Standard Custody & Trust Company, LLC — “Including the charter granted to Standard, to date DFS has approved 30 charters and licenses for companies engaged in virtual currency business activity.” (2021/5/4)
  • [31] BitOoda Digital, LLC (2/9/2022付けTwitterより)
  • [32] Provenance Technologies, Inc. (2/11/2022付け記事より)

9. アルファベット順での整理

Department of Financial Servicesのサイトに、既に認可を受けた機関の一覧表があることに気が付きました。機関名がアルファベット順に並んでいます。  

上記1~8の情報と比較してみたところ、Xapo, Inc.(8番目にビットライセンスを取得)およびTogomi(18番目にビットライセンスを取得)の2機関は掲載されていませんでした。Xapo, Inc.は2022年1月11日にビットライセンスを放棄したため、Togomiは2020年にCoinbaseに買収されたためのようです。

参考:CoinDesk: Xapo Gives Up Its NYDFS BitLicense, CoinDesk: Coinbase Buys Tagomi as ‘Foundation’ of Institutional Trading Arm

10. ビットライセンスを申請中または却下された会社の例

10.1 ビットレックス(Bittrex)



10.2 Calibra / Facebook

Facebookの子会社Calbraも2019年にビットライセンスを申請したようです。(参考:Ruters: Facebook’s Libra coin likely to run a regulatory gauntlet


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